Tips from Dr. Worden to protect your lungs and clear particles from smoke inhalation.
READ MORE >Learning about the "Microbiome" and how it affects our overall health.
READ MORE >Want to start the New Year off right? You can start by taking better care of your body and your health. Dr. Donese Worden shares 12 Tips for a Healthier Year.
READ MORE >Presentation given to AMRIG on 3/10/10 by guest speaker Dr. Donese Worden from Arizona State University.
READ MORE >How are people in Japan and around the world handling the stress that goes along with fight or flight situations. Dr. Worden explains Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, and what you can do about it.
READ MORE >Dr. Donese Worden discusses PTSD, the causes, the aftereffects and available therapies.
READ MORE >Do you know the best ways to prepare yourself and your kids for cold and flu season? Breaking out the antibacterial soaps and loading up on orange juice? You might be surprised by some of the new information Dr. Donese Worden has to share about staying healthy and avoiding colds and flu.
READ MORE >Dr. Worden talks about cardiovascular health on Morning Scramble on AZTV.
READ MORE >Do you have a "broken heart"? Dr. Donese Worden talks about Cardiovascular Health on KPHO CBS-5, Telling it Like it Is.
READ MORE >Gene test could detect breast cancer before it develops
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